Guests on the ranges
Hello members
As the numbers are starting to drop on Covid-19, and more people are getting vaccinated, Vice President john Hebert and I have decided to resume the guest policy with a couple of safety rules which are as follows:
You will be allowed your 3 guests on the ranges. Please note you must socially distance on the ranges. If another member shows up then everyone needs to mask up and keep the 6’ distance. This means you can only shoot from the benches with no X’s on the bench on the Rifle Range. On the Pistol Range you must keep 2 booths between your party and any other shooters.
We must follow these rules to be able to open the ranges up to guests. If we don’t do this we will have to go back to the no guests policy.
Please make sure you follow these rules. I know a lot of people want to share our ranges, and their 2nd Amendment rights, with our friends and family!
Again, if the rules aren’t followed we will have to go back to the members only. Please don’t mess it up for everyone!
Thank you from Shawn Sage (President) and John Hebert (Vice President).