Archery Classes Resume- April 2024

Archery Classes Start Again in April, 2024!
2024 archery classes will run three consecutive Mondays each month from April until September.
Ages 5-12, e-mail Walter Selens to register. Please include name and age of child, name and contact phone of parent staying, and whether or not they have a bow.
This 3-week course will cover the history and all the basics of archery. Students can bring their own bows for use (after inspection and approval) or use the club's bows
for no extra fee. Parents MUST stay for class, no drop offs. NO open toed shoes, tassels in hats or dangling jewelry.
Ages 13+, e-mail Walter Selens to register, please include name of student, age (if under 18), and whether or not they have a bow.
This 3 week course covers the basics of different types of archery. Students get to learn Long Bow, Recurve, Compound, and Crossbow. You can use your own bow
(after inspection and approval) or use the club's bows for no extra fee. NO open toed shoes, tassels in hats, or dangling jewelry.
APRIL 8, 15, 22
MAY 6, 13, 20
JUNE 3, 10, 17
JULY 1, 8, 15
AUGUST 5, 12, 19
SEPTEMBER 9, 16, 23
Event date: 3 consecutive Mondays each month April-September
Event time: Youth: 4pm-5:30pm, Teen/Adult: 6pm-7:30pm
Location: 81 Plains Road, Hollis, Maine 04042
Cost: $30 per student due on the first day of class
Contact: Walter Selens