Are you considering a concealed carry permit for personal defense? Maybe you’re a permit holder looking for a refresher course. Or, like many other Americans, you want to learn more about firearms before buying one to protect yourself or your loved ones.
This course teaches:
- Handgun basics and shooting fundamentals
- Understanding how to avoid conflict and awareness of your surroundings
- The psychology of violent encounters
- The legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath)
- Home security and home defense
- Includes a gear and gadget guide that can help students concealed carry more effectively.
You will walk away from this class equipped with the knowledge and confidence you need to own and carry a concealed firearm.
Course date: January 28, 2023
Course time: 8am to 5pm
Location: 81 Plains Road, Hollis, Maine 04042
Cost: $125
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